aampuun mister...
yaampun otak panas nih
belajar 1 jam tapi baru apal 9, geez
gw akan coba ketik apa yang gw apal, heem. let see:
apple: a firm round fruit with central core, red and green skin, and white flesh
car: road vehicle, usually with four wheels and powered by an internal combustion engine, designed to carry a small number of passengers
school: building or institution in which children and teenagers are taught, especially un to the age 17
student: aombody who studying at school, colloge, or univ
coat: an item of clothing with long sleeves that is usually at least knee-length and is worn outdoors over other clothes
cat: furry animal that purrs and meows; a small domesticated mammal that has soft furr, sharp claws, pointed ears, and a long furry tail
teacher: somebody who teaches, especially as profession
human being: a member of species to which men and women belong
gyaaaaah !!!! somebody help me to memorize those are !!
begonya, bukannya belajar gw malah ol hahaha
liat foto ion sebagai penyemangat-malah bikin otak blank
dasar kau ion pengaruh buruk yang tampan hahaa !
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