Thursday, 16 December 2010

the awesome panty and stocking

if i ask you about panty-stocking-and garterbelt, what are you thinking for the first time ?
okay, i bet you're thinking about pervert stuff. no wonder, because i also thought pervy things that in the beginning ahaha #holy shit, you got me.

well, well, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt is an anime series. it's still ongoing, though. the tittle sounds crazy, doesn't it ? ahaha yet, the story as awesome as the tittle. the story is about the angels-the fallen one i mean-they came to the earth to collect heaven coins *don't know what it is for* and they're chasing after ghosts which are producing heaven coins.

oya, the angels are twin. their name are anarchy panty (elder) and anarchy stocking (younger) *their name also erotic, ahaha*. they live together with a priest name Garterbelt (?). the another unique things are about the weapons, panty's is created from her pants (for real !) and stocking's is created from her stocking.

'name talks the attitude' does suit to them.
the artworks remind you to PowePuff Girl

panty ang
el mode

stocking angel mode

well~ it is like nicotin, once you try it, you can't stop it XD

Sunday, 12 December 2010

become a widow 3 times #holy shit

actually it happened several weeks ago. i forgot to tell you because of exams, err~ well, the truth is i'm lazy.

YOU KNOW WHAT !? one of my beloved husbands is die-dead-died, huaaaaaaaaaaa DX. his name is okita souji from hakuoki. i feel like see a nightmare, huahuahuaaa. it's been a looooong time since the last time i saw okita souji, yet he's die-dead-died, so unfair~ maa, it's better than i have to see the bitch, yukimura chizuru, kisses him like in the game scene ==". i'm a jealousy, after all.

it was not the first time.
my first-beloved-husband, lelouch lamperouge, was die-dead-died too. it was the first time i'm crying when i watch anime. the death of lelouch was so sad~ he was killed by suzaku-brat. well, it was lelouch's plan, though.
thanks to hanna anafellowz who was making alois' comes true TTATTaaaa, i hope it won't ever occur again DX
i hate if the main chara is die-died-dead

Saturday, 20 November 2010

University of Indonesia-UI

mid-test has finish yeay, yet remedial are waiting for me, no-no-no~ and the next week of next week (?), final test of this semester is about coming. aaaaa really suck DX okay forget about those sucks. today i went to university of indonesia. that's one of a famous university in indonesia. the place is as large as ancol = 3= that's about 300 ha, just guess how large it is.

actually, this morning i didn't wanna go there, since university of indonesia is very far from my house but i felt curious about the well-known university. btw, the train was amazing XDD it was very fast ahaha

okay, back to UI. when i was there, my heart was beating fast, honestly, i wasn't too confident because there were many smart-amazing-cool people who wore YELLOW JACKET, go(n)dam(n)shit. the event was placed in a big hall, very-very-very big i mean. it started about 11 a.m. huaaa, when the event started, i felt like i'm gonna crying. i never expected about what'll happend in the future, will UI be my destination or not TT^TT. ya Rabb, i know that i'm a sinner DX but please, international relation or japan literatur. i know the one who'll grant my wish is myself, yet i need motivation but it makes me more down. i wonder if was born as a genius (noooo~ i become so ungrateful, don't i ?)

oya, one senior lent me his jacket to take a pict with it. well, kinda embrassing, tough. mah ikka~ but i wouldn't miss the chance XDDD
me with the borrowed yellow jacket XDD, thanks to senior at least you gave me a chance to wear it

see ? even the jacket was really suit to me ahahaha *sulk*
huaaa i'm to much dreaming~

Saturday, 30 October 2010

goes to 'PONCOL'

ayeyayeaye, akhirnyoo ke poncol juga

aku ke poncol sepulang dari try out bareng man-teman, yakni ezza, putri, tiara, bunga, ayu, fany, kinyok, dan chairman. awalnya sih malu-malu karena harga yang ditawarkan cukup mahal menurut bargaining girl a.k.a putri dan ezza. menurut putri harga mahal dikarenakan hari sabtu. jadi kalau kita ke sana hari sabtu-minggu-libur, mau nawar harga sampe berbusa juga gak bakal digubris karena para pedagang berpikir akan ada pembeli lain. tapiii sesaat kemudian kami mendengar,"goceng, goceng, goceng !" dengan sigap kami mencari arah datangnya suara dan mulai berburu. kami mengaduk-ngaduk pakain seharga goceng itu dengan semangat.

selanjutnya kami berjalan lebih dalam, tepatnya pojokkan deket jendela. di situ harga yang diwarkan sangat malah untuk ukuran baju bekas T 3T. menurut bargaining girl kami, harga itu sama seperti yang dijual di toko, aw shit-man ! disini lah terjadi penyesalah bagi ezza zilfa binti syafrudin. ada baju -entah jaket atau apalah itu namanya- yang ia sukai, ezza menawar dengan sengit tapi hanya berujung 30ribu saja. karena terlalu mahal, ezza dan kami beralih ke toko lain. nah, di sini, akyu lah yang mengalami penyesalah. ada kemeja flanel, warnanya bagus harganya 25ribu. kalo bukan karena hasutan bargaining girl, aku pasti udah beli bajunya = 3= tapi ya sudah lah. di sebelahnya ada pula yang berteriak, "kemeja goceng !" wedeeee dengan kekuatan dewa kami segera menyerbu tempat itu. kami memakan waktu lama untuk mengaduk kemeja-kemeja di tempat itu. tapi di sana kami mendapatkan kemeja seharga 10ribu untuk 3 potong kemeja (satunya sekitar 3ribuan). setelah puas, kami berpindah tempat lagi. disini saya mebajak toko tersebut karena ada sweater lucu, yah sebenernya biasa sih tapi bermerk XDD aaa cepet-cepet mau pamer rasanyooo XDD

sebelum pulang kita milih baju dulu buat adiknya bangkinyok sama jam buat si bunga. kita pulang naik taksi ke arah rumah bangkinyok setelah itu baru ke rumah masing-masing

yeeeay, what a pleasant saturday

Friday, 15 October 2010

100 favourites

kyaaa finally, my draw has reached 100 favourites since 8 months (it's lame) i joined DA. lalalala i'm happy
coloured version [link]

the number of watchers are increasing too. kyaa-ha, should i tell everyone about this ? euphoriaaa. oya, it would be fun if you watch my gallery too *slapped*

Thursday, 14 October 2010

wooooorst (part 2)

okay, maybe it's not good if i call this week is the worst week ever in this month. everything's began when that suck sist borrowed my bag. i already told her that i wasn't allowed her to wear my bag ! i don't know she's stupid, jerk or whatever but she still did it ! ewh silly beach DDD<. because of it, my wallet was disappearing, sheeesh. okay, i don't care about the money but there're my student card and "KTP", also my ticket to visiting University of Indonesia next month. sheep ! the other thing is, my lovely mecha pencil -rotring- was disappearing, too ! nooo just what the duck is goin' on with all of this ?! it was happening because of that suck sist ! gaaah, i hate you ! if killing people is alowed, i swear, i'll kill her many times for sure, sheep !

ya Allah, give me a patience TT^TT

oya for information (for whom ?),
my class will make an english drama for english project. wish me luck

Monday, 11 October 2010


sheeep, in conseling class i and other discussed (red: debated) stupid matter that was happening last year. this sheep thing happened because of a task that was given by my conseling teacher several times ago, the task was sosiometri. i forgot if i ever tell about this or not, the case is~ one of my classmate was bullied, but it wasn't like what japanee (in manga which i ever read) do. i admit it ever happened, and i feel sorry for her but she was at fault too and then we was apologizing each oher. i guessed that case was solved. but today, it was happening again and she was crying, WHAT THE DUCK ?! she disgusted me, REALLY. one year ago she wanted me and other befriend with her. i did it, maybe not a close friend. me still do prank things to her, i admit maybe it's kinda harsh but i did it as i am. unfortunately, it made her think that me and other still bullied her AGAIN. suck.
i think i don't want to be a close friend with her. it makes me look like criminal and she's victim. just the hell does she think she is, jerk !

Saturday, 9 October 2010


ps: i'm suck with a title =="

oke, i want to tell you my stories which were happening weeks ago but i forgot it (i'm bad with memorizing things, lately). the things i remember are when i went to education fair and Jak-JAPAN at monas. i went there with-who else ?- XII-Bahasa.

at education fair there're unversity from tokyo and many of them give a scholarship for foreigner, buuuut (why is there 'but', always) the university-which has faculty of manga-that i want doesn't give any scholarship. the scholarship just given to the student who is already studying there, what the duck ==" and the cost really is high, more or less 130 million rupiah/year. ahaha you gotta be kidding me DDX and the japanese must be in high level >>> in other word, you have to know the meaning all of kanji. aaa why i wasn't born as japanese (tsk, what an ungrateful person)


the next day, i went to Jak-Japan at monas. i didn't have any regret fufufu~ even the day was rainy and my clothes were wet, it's okay-no problem-das macht nicht XDD. i bought things that i've been dreaming about, kyaaaaaaaaaaaa. okonomiyaki, plastic umbrella, Yokohama ice cream, taiyaki, melon pan, onigiri and so on~ well i didn't try apple candy, tough.

aaaa i was happy even it's tiring, nyunyunyu~

oya, my class was visited by nihonjin last tuesday. she's the tutor of my sensei (when i was in 11th grade) when she was in japan. and my japanese sensei, now, told me (and all of students) to make a greeting card. this is mine:

aaa, neko-mimiko is always be the best

Friday, 17 September 2010

2 months

gyaaa, udah 2 bulan penuh gak ngepost sama sekali. saya melewatkan postingan pada bulan puasa dan lebaran, hauu~ yaah gimana ya berhubung saya orangnya sangat sibuk (baca:males).

baiklah, pertama-tama saya ucapkan minal aidin wal faidzin, mohon maaf lahir batin. semoga amal ibadah kita di bulan puasa lalu diterima oleh Allah SWT.

waktu bulan puasa kemarin, untuk pertama kali alumni SDN Kayu Putih 09 Pagi, angkatan saya (entah angkatan keberapa/taun berapa) berhasil mengadakan acara buka puasa bersama. walaupun ada beberapa yang gak hadir, tapi lumayan laah temu kangen. ternyata dalem 6 tahun udah banyak yang berubah, mungkin yang keliatan banget perubahannya itu di siswa cowok kali ya, mereka tambah tinggi, yaah walaupun ada yang gak sih, ahaha. berikut fotonya X) :
ini cuma sebagian sih yang lainnya pada main billiard = 3=

fotonya 1 aja yaaa, ini pun hasil nyolong dari grup, nyunyunyu. coba tebak saya yang manaaa, ahaha (keinget permainan hitachi'in brothers), yah lebih baik tidak usah dilakukan sih.

acaranya lumayan nyenengin, sayangnya kurang terorganisir aja = 3= jadi setelah buka puasa cuma muterin kelapa gading doang jadi sedikit membosankan, tapi tetep ajaaaa pengen reunian lagiii~ aaaa, pengen balik ke masa SD. gak sadar kalo taun ini, taun terakhir mengecap jenjang pendidikan, gyaaaaaaaa ibuu~ bentar lagi aye kawin XDDD ayo bu cari jodoh

Sunday, 18 July 2010

the first alois' fanart

gyahahaha, i drew it, i drew it XDD i DID draw it ufufufu. my new lovely husband, ALOIS TRANCY XDDD. he is from kuroshitsuji 2nd season. a new master and butler in a new season X). alois is a devilish character, he loves to smile but actually he's the cruel one. he pointed his fingers to his maid's eyes, hannah. i guessed alois has a unique attitude. different from ciel, alois' devil character is interesteng, a type of crime uke *well, i don't know many kind of uke, tough*. well but not all of kuroshitsuji fans love him, many of them say that alois is such an impostor of butler, i don't get what they mean, really.
well, well just forget the arguments about alois, i just wanna show my alois that i've drawn, ufufufu. it's messy, tough. i know yana toboso will crying if she looks this =="

for the large view click this. it's weird, isn't it ? nyunyunyunyu. what ashame ==". toboso-senseeeei, forgive me huhuhu DDDDX

Friday, 16 July 2010

new class, new new teachers, new story

nyunyunyu, it almost a month since my last post wakakak.
dunno why i'm too lazy to type stories, i hope there's a tech that can read my mind and then type all what i think automatically, fufufufu *you wish, sillyass*

WAAAAAI, NEW SEMESTER~ and i'm grade 12th knooow
*same grade as mio, mugi, ritsu and yui, wakaka*

gerr this is my last year being a student, mature world is waiting for meh nooooooooooo. it also means "SENSOU GA HAJIMARU" (war is started), a war that is called national exams and um, umb, and snmptn or whatever they call it, damn it. i guess those are happening because of black magic that is caused by a witch who lives in the forbidden forest, huaaaa yurusenai DDX. give me my peaceful days baaaaaack~ !

well, my parents aren't forcing me to focus to my study but the teachers do ! huaaaa, i know that study is my job as student. altough they say that we must study properly so there's no regret in the future, politely but it still give a stress to us DDX. and i've an extra study every wednesday and friday, now. gerr, school really doesn't give me a break, except saturday and sunday *know yourself, stupid*

oya, because my class is bahasa and only has 1 class so my friends are same as before, huuu tsumaranai. it means i must study with the awkward people again ahaha *kidding :p*. and you know what ?! the terrible thing happens, my new class doesn't have WiFi, nooooooooooo the most terrible ever. i can't online from my mobile easily agaaaaaaain, nyunyunyu

onyaaaa, bunga has come back from deutsch, fufufu *actually it has been several weeks ago*. she brought a lot of present *lololol, i don't know what "oleh-oleh" in english* she bought chocolates and also bought a pencil colour for meh, huhuhuhu soooo sweet, i don't know if she really is loves me ahaha. it really is embrassing me XDD. well well, people love me, don't they ? RAAAAAAAAAWR IT LOUDER~ !

okay-okay, let's stop the craziness here XDD

Saturday, 19 June 2010

time to eat

tuan simon memberi salamnyaaaa, saya ditungguin orang ganteng

nyunyunyu, bagaimana rapot kalian ? punya saya rapotnya belom keluar ==, emang dasar sekolah yang mau nyentrik sendiri, nyunyunyu tapi udah libur duluan ahaha, ditambah libur setelah rapotan jadi 1 bulan deh XDD.

okelahkalobegitu kita langsung story-story aja
kya-ha ! masa ya saya kan lagi jalan-jalan terus ya terus saya liat tempat makan bagus, ahahihuheho. bukan cuma tempatnya tapi pelayannya itu loh, moe-moe-moe-moe-moe.
waktu itu saya ke WORKING !! :3, karena judul asoy saya memberanikan diri, nyunyunyu. nama restonya wagnaria, ya-ha awalnya saya pikir merk restonya lucu-lebih tepatnya aneh-sekali heem tapi mungkin namanya memiliki arti yang belom saya ketahui.
*merk resto yang dilingkerin*

pada saat saya masuk resto ini saya tertegun
karena...mbak-mbak di restonya...*ngambil tisu*MOEEEEEEEEEEE
hingga akhirnya saya pun...nosebleediiiiiiing >D
gyaaaaa, saya pun tidak dapat menahan efek moe tersebut, jangan salahkan saya tapi ibu-bukan tapi ayah-pokoknya salahkan seseoraaaang XDDD

tidak hanya saya yang ber nosebleeding ria tapi reaksi para tamu pun sama
yang namanya cinta emang gak bisa diumpetin
neng miranda sampe meweksasuga simon, mukanya tetep cool

okelahkalobegitu, kita sebagai manusia memang sulit menahan euforia yang berlebihan tapi sebaiknya anda berhati-hati karena dari euforia itu sendiri dapat memberikan damage yang fatal. apalagi pertahanan di wagnaria sangat hebat, mereka dapat membasmi anda dalam sekejap, seperti...
yaah, anda tidak akan mendapatkan hadiah jika anda mengikuti saran saya sih = 3=. tapi saya anggap ini namanya self-defence. kita semua tau kalo wanita yang lucu-imut-manis-cute-amazing seperti saya *kicked* maksud saya mereka pasti punya banyak penggemar, maka dari itu mereka membutuhkan pertahanan. asas yang selalu mereka ingat adalah apa kata bang napi, "tindak kejahatan tidak hanya karena adanya-nantoka-tapi juga-nantoka-oleh karena itu WASPADALAH, WASPADALAH !!"

namun, pada akhirnya wagnaria menganut prinsip "anda puas, kami basah...maksudnya kami senang"

Sunday, 13 June 2010


heyaaaa, exams are finish~, nyuuu nyuuu
setelah menjali perang panjang, sekarang adalah waktu yang paling tepat untuk santai *sebenernya tiap hari saya santai* tapi gak bisa santai sepenuhnya sih, secara yaa masih ada pembagian rapot ! ini nih yang ditakuti seluruh rakyat secara universal. heem i've a prediction about my report ==" and i think it is bad, nyaaaaa. dari rangkaian perang puputan kemaren yang paling susah dan y akin dapet nilai jelek, yakni adalah bahasa inggris dan agama islam *yayaya silahkan tertawa* agak gengsi juga ya kalo agama aja sampe remed, huhuhu. ini semua salah saya karena menganggap sepeleeeeee, gak lagi-lagi deeh, huaaaa sumimasendeshitaaaa~ gawat lagi kalo rank turun. bloodyhell shit, kenapa ya pas semester 2 nilai-nilai temen yang laen pada naek, sedangkan saya pas-pasan, hueeeee

saya harap orang tua dan teman saya masih menganggap saya sebagai temen,walaupun nilai saya jelek T________________________________________________T

Saturday, 5 June 2010

farewell doesn't mean the last meet

YATTAAAA, language class almost a year together~ dan kita akan mengahapi sesuatu mengerikan yang bahkan tak ada seorangpun yang ingin membayangkannya a.k.a FINAL EXAM *JDEEEEER; sfx ala film horor*
oks, mari kita lupakan tentang ujiannya-hal tesebut memiliki cerita tersendiri

ya *ala mister* kalo untuk kelas ipa dan ips-setelah penjurusan-setiap taun selalu pisah dong, tapi language class is a special case, karena kami tidak berpisah walaupun tahun berganti, gak tau itu pujian atau celana...err i meant 'celaan' *well, let's accept it as compliment*. yaah as you know laah, kata orang kan masa sma itu penuh dengan kebahagian, terutama kelas 2-nya. jadi mau-gak-mau, buat orang-orang yang udah indehoy to the max sama kelasnya, bakal ngerasa sedih kan ? tapi kelas bahasa beda, mereka bakal bareng-bareng lagi sampe kelas 3nya *jangan lihat dari permukaannya aja, oks ?* kalo menurut saya pribadi sih alesannya karena KELAS BAHASA CUMA 1 KELAS, tapi banyak guru munafik yang bilang itu spesial *aaaaa, gigi lo bertato, pak !* PIIIIIIP we're here not to talk about my opinion right ?

jadi intinya setelah setahun mengajar, guru bahasa inggris kami yang tercinta mengadakan acara sharing geje. dia nanya pendapat kami tentang cara ngajarnya. sayangnya bel udah punyi, yodah sebagai kenang-kenangan kita foto

pose kayak gini akhir-akhir ini lagi ngetren di kelas. entah dari mana asalnya. gosipnya sih karena salah satu murid dikelas kayaknya tau alamat e-mail guru tersebut =..="

ANANG HERMANSY*H *jangan memilih aku, huooo~
pasca perceraian Anang Hermansy*h dan KD ada berita, heeeem berita apa ya ==" well whatever

HEAAAAA, bersatu kita teguh-bercerai kawin lagiiii

yaaa, kita juga berpisah sama bunga yang pergi ke jerman. untungnya gak lama-lama sih dia ke jermannya, 3 minggu *i've told you about this right ?* semoga bunga gak malu-maluin rakyat indonesia di jerman, ahahahaha *dilempar garpu somay*



Sunday, 30 May 2010

Angel Beats ! defeat the angel

one of impressive anime for this season, Angel Beats !

it takes a place at high school it the afterlife between heaven and earth. the main character otonashi who lost his memories about his life after dying and meets a girl whou invites him to join 'Afterlife War Front', an organization she founded and leads which fights against God for the cruel fates the SSS members experienced in life. Their only enemy in the world is the school's student council president Angel, a being with supernatural powers who is in charge of keeping the rules and fights against the SSS. Yuri believes that anyone who follows Angel's orders and behaves like a normal student at the school will eventually disappear and pass on to Heaven. However, those who fulfill their dreams in the afterlife will pass on as well.

well, what will you do if you awake at someplace that you don't where it is and you are also can't remember anything ?


who am i ? (i am spiderman ! yeaaay a super hero !) and where am i ?

are you awake, master ?

everyone will be speechless if they found themselves with a girl who carries a gun. you're must thinking about what you've done. a girl with a gun ? in a middle of war ?

what's wrong, master ? do you statisfy with my service this night ?

WHAAT ! what kind of service do you provide, haah !? maybe you're kinda cute. however, gun ? are you a terorrist or what ?

girl: NOOO ! come back master ! am i not make you satisfy, haaah !!? i'll try again 'til you pleased !
boy: well whatever, i don't care. it's better if i' searching a new one. *sigh* can't i find a girl with long hair and white skin ?

*a girl pass by*
boy: waaaa, my type ! moe-moe-moe-moe kyuuun~

you know what, girls ? don't walking around in the middle of night because there're a lot of pervy. but if the situation force you to do it, such as; all of sudden you wanna buy tissue toilet or buy a snack it's okay but still be aware !

for example:
boy: wanna a can of coffee ? *wink* ;)

oh, he tries to seduce you and tell you creepy jokes ! don't be panic, stay calm ! just ignore what he says


if you are tired about his creepy jokes...


if you don't wanna to end like this-bloodbath-keep your attitude:

boy: WHAT THE ! what a bitchy girl ! this is a humilitiation. i'm tired with girl ! i'll search new one

don't deviate drom what has been determined by community when your loves is rejected. God always give the best

red: i-in there ?
blue: yes, quickly ! or people will find us. i don't wanna waste our time, honey~
red: oks, as you please~~

enough, because i dislike boys love, it ends here XDDD

1. it is prohibited to seduce a girl who isn't your wife.
2. for you girls, listen ! don't walking around in the middle of night !
3. the most important thing, dont ever give up if your confession is rejected

Saturday, 29 May 2010

everything is about heaven

*in indonesia=si gila dari timur*

well i have watched eden of the east a.k.a higashi no eden, altough i'm stuck on ep 6 because i can't find ep 7 with sub, grawwr~
to be honest i don't really get what the story tells about :p.

i guess it about 12 people from japan who selected by Mr. Outsider (but his existence is a secret) then that 12 people are given a mobile phone containing digital cash as much as 10 billion (heem maybe, i forget ho much '0'-'zero' it has). with that money they must change the country in many ways. the main chara is morimi saki who is doing her graduation in america and JAAN JAAAAAAAAAN~ suddenly an awkward guy appears (guess what ?? he's naked. man, i'm pretty excited about this XDDD) and he is also carrying a gun in his hand and a phone in other hand (you must be think he is a terorrist).
what if this guy just wanna ask you to go on date with him ?


boy: hey, girl wanna go out with meh ?
girl: GYAAAAA !! PERVERT ! (it isn't a polite answer, right ? well, it depends to the situation XD)
he is kinda crazy, right ? you can see the girl wears jacket, scarf and other thing and the conclusion is cold BUT the boy is naked ! does he chilled ?!
the real prince must be like this:

boy: do you wanna go out with me, my fair lady ? *melt*

and the girl will answers without any doubt:

girl: surely yes ! i'm yours, my prince. show me a whole world

the first meeting should be like this where the boy asks gently *you wish*. but because of that-weird-meeting, they journey begin~ ahay. a journey to become a king and change the world.


he looks like kira from death note ahaha xp

it has 2 movies:
i have watched the first one. about the second movie, actually it is already airing on march, 13th but i'm not find the sub one yet

Saturday, 22 May 2010

about loli-shota and moe things

i'm quite afraid of myself recently.
loli and other things are attacking me ! huaaaa don't know why, why, why, why~ *rawr it louder, baby yeaaaay* i hope i'm not one of lolicon, shotacon or whatever

i tought it caused by seikon no qwaser, an anime that you must not see. you'll know if you try it. i likes drug, when you try once you can't stop ahaha.
i don't care about the plot, hentai things and whatsoever from this anime.
the most important is EKATERINA KURAE a.k.a katja. she has super-loli-moe-duper attack.

see ? she is really cute, isn't she ? kyuuuun~ huaa i can't resist 8>////////<8.

but *ya, there's a contradiction* never be fooled with her appearance, because she is DAMN SADISTIC. especially when she ask to soma, from hana (her maria). because she is a sado, hana must be maso, right ?

maaaah, but it's okay because people just wanna know about outside, not inside.

PS: if you wanna know about the whole story, just search it with google or wikipedia or watch the anime, 'kay ?

Friday, 7 May 2010

another suspended thing

yeaaaay~ the result of A2 has been released ahaha. and like before, i almost go to germany but it's okay, there're a lot of time, whenever i can go there. maybe Allah wanna tell me because i've been arrogant recently. and the person who will be go there is... jan-jan-jan, bunga ahaha
she'll go to germany with deas. i wonder what it would be, ahaha just kidding. they'll go on june 6th. GOOD LUCK MY FRIENDS ahaha. i'll go there too just wait for it


Tuesday, 4 May 2010

mein Geburtstag

waaaay, today is my 17th birthday ! yes i've been 17 years old today~, well well, time really walk fast ahaha. unfortunately, at the same time, i have exams days, NOOO ! it's just like hell.

ORAAAA ! today is special day so i'll tell you an awesome thing.

you know what my friends gave to me ? those are really awesome ! even though i didn't have any party like others but i really proud about it, huhuhu

in the morning when i want to take my temporary legitimation card i met ucit and then she gave a book. when i opened it, on the 4th page i saw his photos *you know who* and he wrote happy birthday to me, i really excited ahaha. i really thanked to ucit. then in the pause time, ucit dragged me into deas, ceha, and lulung's class. in there i could see 2 pieces of cakes then they sang the happy birthday's song to me ahaha. deas, ceha, and lulung also gave me a gift. they gave me a sketch book. i was really happy ahaha

after school, language class and i created a magazine at menza. they also gave me a surprise. they bought a big cake for me and ezza *our birthday just different 2 weeks*. after ate cake i tried to send a message to my lovely senior, i typed, "thanks so much for your greeting". as usual, i never expected that he would reply my message but he replied it ! even it took a long time but it made me happy. he replied, "happy birthday to you once again ya and sorry, because my handwriting is bad" ahaha

huaaaang, i don't need a big party or whatever, but something little like this happier that anything. when you remember my birthday is okay to me, ehehe
you know who he is, right ? as you see those are real, nyahahaa

Saturday, 1 May 2010


huaa it has been a month since my last post. well, well it's caused by I'M IN A DUTY TO FINISHING ALL MY HOMEWORK ahaha, it's like a lie, right ? okay it's half lie and truth. heeem thre're a lot of things happened but i couldn't remember since i'm stupid.

okay, i'm doing language class magazine, now. this is one of homework from my english teacher. really, a lot of things happen but as usual i CAN'T remember it. the thing which i always know is my seniors were graduated from our beloved school. well, i don't are about the others, you know, it's about my lovely senior-ion negatif-or whatever, he is also gone too. at first i tried to act i-don't-care, but i can't. i feel like there's something that missing. my school become so quiet and more important is his figure disappear. my friends said i must confess him, maybe i'm a loser or what but i didn't want to do it. i don't want to do something that i've been knowing the answer since beginning. heem okay then the story ends before its begins.

hei~ wait, i became so mellow ? THAT'S NOT MY CHARACTER DDX, *change character ! transform !*
okay beause the stupid story has ended let's talk about another thing. on 2010, 30th April, i've done my A2 test T____________T, as you know, the questions awere soooo difficult ! geer, i hope my score isn't bad, at least. oya, the highest sore for A1 is deas, hohoho. she is one of my friends and she'll go to GERMANY ! deas, just wait for me ! ahaha
i'm lil bit jealous but if i feel like that it isn't fair because my friends never feel jealous of me at all, then i i'll throw away that feeling.

noooo, the language class magz still in processing but the deadline is monday ! wish me luck ! hope i make it in time !!

herzliche Grusse, ohohoho

Saturday, 20 March 2010

they said i just lack of confidence ?

well, well next monday will become a big deal for my senior because there are the national exams and i ever told you that i'm falling in love with my senior right ? because of that i really depressed and hopeless. i don't know what must i do. my other senior said that he'll help me, but it became dilemma *like mister said* and my friends also said i must say 'good luck' to him. heem maybe i just a loser that always hope but never try to reach it, well i know it. i'm not tell you that i'm crying because i haven't seen him 2 weeks yet. ya that's right ! the stupidest thing i've ever do

and today i gathered my courage to send him a message about 'good luck with your exams' *maybe you'll think i'm that stupid*. i doubt that time, should i send him or not ? but my friends force me then i sent it. i really hopeless, i never expected he would gave a reply even it just one sentence but it really made me happy, he typed my name ! for me it was really special. maybe for him it was nothing but for me it was everything

my chairmate said that i just lack of confidence and i built a great wall, i wanna close to him but i build a separate wall. ya she was right because there's something like 'know yourself' or 'who do you're' heem it's like a diference of level. i always think that i don't match with him. Allah just what should i do ? maybe i already become an ungrateful person but thank you, i just say subhanaallah for your gift these day ahaha

Monday, 15 March 2010

something i do to waste my time

ahahaha, you know what !?
when you read this post *is there someone ?* and you see the time when i post this post, you'll realize that i wasn't attending to school, heeem maybe you think i truant.well, it is true but the fact is i woke up late *is it same ?* because my alarm didn't ring this morning.

do you know ? my damn school created damn rules for those who come late to school. i prefer stay at home than i must get i punishment *sigh* because i'll get a same point if i force myself to come to school. who want to being lectured a same advice by teacher ? that is so booored~ furthermore, my parents allowed it :p sooo~ no problem

i wonder how's my friends doing at school, ahahaha

Saturday, 13 March 2010

trying something new isn't worst at all even we get a disaster after that

first subject of today is JAPANESE, yeaaaay~

japanese subject today is totally different as usual because we cooked sushi *yes, sushi !* altough it was a simple sushi-kani 'crab' sushi and salmon sushi. it was damn fun ahaha, for the first time i ate sushi, huaaaang TT^TT *cries*. i guess raw salmon and crab are disgusting but those are delicious, not fishy at all. because of that our class became messy ahaha and shoyu smell everywhere ahaha

after that we went to hell


nooo, i wasn't study yet. God help me ! i wonder what about the result huaaaa TT^TT why i was not a foreigner since beginning ==" sigh, there's nowhere i can complain about that or if i insist to do that i'll called as ungrateful person.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

alice in the wonderland

finally, i watched alice in the wonderland. that story was interesting since beginning and i always want to draw the charaters from its but i don't know who they are.

i'll tell you about how i can watch that movie.
first of all, i planned to watch alice in the wonderland with all of 11th language class's student and indonesia subject's teacher and that's all ruined because a lot of them didn't have money *sigh* and the teacher watch another movie with japanese's teacher. totally damn. then i watch the movie with tiara, ratna and her sister, bunga, winda and her boyfriend, and ihsan.

and my opinion about the movie are~

that movie really damn awesome !

Jhonny Depp act *did i spell it right ?* as madhatter, huaaang my favourite character in alice in the wonderland, his act is really good, as expected from jhonny depp. the costume that alice wears is really cute. both of the queen are so funny too and chesire cat is annoying as usual ahaha

at first i guessed it would be a serious movie *hem, how to explain it ya ?* and then it's a comedy *aaa, i confuse how to tell you*

i want to watch it again BUT there's a financial problem ahaha

and now, i want to read its novel, heeeem. wonder where i can find it