Friday, 23 September 2011

Wednesday, 21 September 2011


sangkin lamanya gak apdet tiba-tiba saya udah KULIAH aja hwahwahwahwa
yap saya kuliah di salah satu universitas swasta di daerah pondok kelapa, jakarta timur. bukan sebuah univ swasta-yang sangat-ternama, tapi cukup memiliki nama baik di jurusan bahasa dan sastra jepangnya.

awal kuliah saya disibukin sama PEKA (PEngenalan KAmpus) selama 3 hari, yang ngebuat ludes uang lebaran saya QAQ. minggu depannya, disibukin dengan benkyoukai (program pelatihan bahasa jepang bagi maba sastra jepang). dan tanggal 26 ada mabim selama 3 minggu. malasnyooooooo~

eteb tengaaaaab jadi mahasiswa baru ada aja acaranya =="

*doodle pas dosen gak masuk*

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

viva first job, korean !

june 6th-13th, i did my first job yeaaaaaaaaaay. that was really fun, i became a guide for a week. i guided korean junior wrestling teams, yup wrestling. around snmptn test, my friend, ratna called me and she offered me a job as guide. at first i thought the wrestling teams came to jakarta for vacation it was totally wrong. the federation of wrestling indonesia was held a wrestling championship all asia, well only several country didn't join.

^the greco style^

^the man free style^

unfortunately i didn't take a picture with woman free style = 3=
nb: the salary's extremely great XD

Thursday, 2 June 2011

AMA(Y)ZING - India I

gak pernah nyangka kalo saya akhirnya keluar negeri juga. baru megang paspor aja rasanya udah gimanaaa gitu. THANKS TO GOETHE-INSTITUT FOR THE CHANCE THEY GAVE ME. walaupun saya gak jadi ke jepang karena tsunami ;;w;; tapi gak apa deh.

yap deutschcamp yang saya jalani sangat menyenangkan. siapa sih yang gak seneng ketemu sama temen baru (walaupunlebihutamakeluarnegeriGRATIS). sayangnya kesenangan itu cuma diakhir doang. baiklah, akan saya ceritain sesuai tanggal dan semoga saya bisa inget semua rangkaian perjalanannya.

DAY 1, May, 22th 2011
saya berkumpul saya rombongan di bandara Soekarno-Hatta Gate-D. sempet kelimpungan juga nyarinya karena saya ngumpul sama orang yang bahkan belom pernah saya temui. oiya rombongan saya terdiri dari 2 orang dengan 1 guru pendamping. saya berangkat dengan pesawat Air Asia sekitar jam 10-11an ke Malaysia. di sana kita transit sebentar.

pas turun dari pesawat di bandara di Malaysia, rasanya nyesss gimana gitu~ agak-agak seneng gimana gitchu. tapi pas di bagian imigrasinya deg-degan =w= mbak-mbak imigrasinya judes banget. apa karena tau gue dari indonesia atau emang mukanya begitu ? agak asing juga ngedenger pemberitahuan menggunakan bahasa melayu dan bahasa inggris dengan logat melayu (well, at least, indonesian's dialect and accent in every foreign language can be proud of). ngedenger cara mereka ngomong agak lucu gimana gitu. oiya, setelah ngelakuin imigrasi kita mesti nunggu pesawat selanjutnya sekitar sejaman. karena keadaan yang dehidrasi, guru pembimbing saya memutuskan buat beli air mineral, tapi pelayan cafe di bandara songong banget. dia menolak untuk ngomong bahasa melayu, sok-sokan pake bahasa inggris = 3=. guru pembimbing saya yang notabene guru bahasa jerman jadinya kesel karena dia sendiri gak jago bahasa inggris.

ulelelele~ singkat waktu, saya udah naik pesawat ke india nicch. dan dengan noraknya saya bilang,"kok dalem pesawat banyak orang india ya ?" stupid me ! jarak malaysia-india menempuh 4 jam perjalanan. begitu sampe di Indira Gandhi International Airport, saya lebih tercengang lagi karena bandaranya itu mewah dengan nuansa gold-item-putih. apalagi dibagian temboknya ada pahatan bentuk tangan-tangan yang lagi berdoa ala agama mereka dan beberapa patung lainnya. disini bagian imigrasinya lebih sangar; berkumis-jenggot tebel dan bersorban DDDX (takut banget kena masalah). setelah nyari bagasi, saya serombongan langsung nyari yang ngejemput. tapi kok gak ada tanda-tanda orang dari goethenya ? kita udah keluar dari area bandara buat nyari yang jemput. namun, kita mutusin buat nuker uang dulu dari dollar ke rupee, yang kebetulan money changernya ada di dalem bandara. begitu mau masuk satpam ala india ngelarang kita buat masuk. dia ngomong pake bahasa india, WTH ! bahkan salah satu temen gue yang jago bahasa inggris (dia lahir dan gede di amerika, bung) udah ngomong sama itu satpam tapi gak digubris (jujur cuma bisa #faceplam). tapi tiba-tiba itu satpam bilang paspor. kontan, guru pembimbing saya ngasih paspornya tapi yang si satpam india liatin malah visa jermannya, bukan india. muka kita berempat udah galau to the max banget. untung ada 2 orang yang nyapa kita pake bahasa indonesia (dikira orang dari goethernya), ternyata dubes RI di india satu pesawat sama kita dan orang dari kedubes itu juga ngebantuin kita ngomong sama si satpam kalo kita mau nuker uang di dalem bandara pake bahasa india. terus orang kedubes itu juga bantuin nelpon ke pengelenggara deutschcamp di india. TERNYATA TAKSI KITA UDAH JEMPUT DARI TADI DAN DIA NGELIAT ROMBONGAN SAYA TAPI GAK MANGGIL (??!). yaudah lahya, karena kita udah capek ber-swt akhirnya nurut aja naik ke taksinya dan menuju DPS R.K. Puram. dikirain kita bakal nginep di hotel dan sejenisnya; kata temen saya yang ke thailand dalam rangka deutchcamp juga, dia nginep di hotel. tempatnya semacem asrama boarding school gitu. saya sekamar bareng sama temen saya dari indonesia, 2 orang korea (eun jin cho, seran han) sama 2 orang dari india (meditha sama juditha). karena udah capek gak pake basa-basi kita langsung tidur.

yap sampe disini dulu cerita hari pertamanya. DAY 2-END besok besok aja yaaa

Saturday, 14 May 2011

AMA(Y)ZING - tidung island

gawdaioh i have been so busy, lately ahahaha *kidding. well, may of this year was really great. many things were happening. i'll tell you one by one. i wish the hopeless brain of mine could work :3

the most important thing from May is my birthday (un, i was born in May, 3rd). my classmates were celebrating my birthday when we're all going to Tidung Island. i'd never expected that they would do something like that QAQ.

we were going to tidung from May, 7th-9th. at first, i was quite disapointed because the place where we stayed didn't same as i imagined. it's a house that placed in the village near beach. after placing the bags in our room, we went to ride bycicle down the beach. AND the beach was also disappointed. there was the neglected beach and NO wind, bhuuuuuu~ beach without wind like a soup without salt. well, then we took a bath. after i took a bath, my phone was vanished (aw shi-man). some of my friends said there was a black spell who took away my phone. really that's pretty shocking me but i didn't realize, actually they were just making fun of me. those all were a jokes. all of sudden they were approaching me with cake and said, "happy birthday, renatta". after that, they threw the cake toward me. not enough with cake, they also poured me rootbeers and flour <= i hate the last part. gosh, i had to take a bath twice = 3=

next day, we were snorkling, YEAAAAY~ it was my first time =..= yet i didn't wear my glasses and the goggle was only the common one, i wasn't the brave one to see the seabad although my friends said that was beautiful. after snorkling we went to love bridge (really, the name is quite silly) and jumped from the bridgeeee~ that wasn't suicide, i really jumped, trust meeeee. unfortunately, i only jumped once, i wanna moreeeee. after finished our lunch, we went back to our cottage (on the way, we saw a group of dolphins. we're so lucky) and preparing ourselves for BBQ party, cikicikiduuuum. oya, from tidung you can see the stars as clear as you see in internet, very very very very very very sparkling. can't be compared like in jakartass.

third day, we went back to jakartaaaaaa, kya kyaaa bye bye tidung~

no pict but no hoax. i'll upload the pictures if there's the good one

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

get well soon, Japan

a super late post with lame title

all of us must be know what is happening to japan right now. yes, a massive 8.9 SR earthquake and tsunami were happening in japan, march 11th, 2011. obviously we know what's happening with a disaster like that; earthquake and tsunami destroyed everything that they trough. Japan still same as Indonesia which ever damaged by tsunamis, as well. even it has a great technology, yet when Allah SWT says that it has to destroyed, no one can stop it. well, we can only believe that Allah always has another plan for us, the believers of Allah.

it was pretty heartbreaking, also for me. why ? because i would go to Japan next week, yet it was canceled and it had to ! since the condition of japan right know is very dangerous; earthquakes are happening one after another and then the explosion of nuclear reactors that spread radioactive. heem, you can say the Japan these days is not a safe place and it must be jokes when people in suffer because of lack water and foods but you have a beautiful trip. oya, the worst is: probably some animes are delayed due to this amargeddon and some mangakas, seiyuus, actress/ors or whoever they're which is work as artist were confirmed missing. i hope they're okay with no injured.

haaah, i'm trying to be positive, maybe there's something...heem, what is it ? 'wow' that i have to deal with, even it's quite difficult. oh, ion negative~ ion negative~ i wish you were here *sob*

let's all pray for them who is trying to survive

P.S: the pictures are not mine, they're taken from

Saturday, 29 January 2011

extraordinary january

huaaa, it's almost a month (again) wahaha i'm such a busy body person. but since it's for personal use it's okay :D

okay what kind of story i had in january, heeem let me think =="....

my class had drama as its english "ujian praktik". may i show off a little ? my drama wasn't a drama where we played at class but in "menza" of my school and many people watched it. cool wasnt't ? many teachers said it's been a while for 4-5 years. actually every 12th grade student have to drama as their english "ujian praktik", but my english teacher said,"you're a language class, so you have to make uncommon thing that shows who you are and what you've thaught in these 2 years. and it can promote language class too. you'll get A+ in your report if you do it." aw man, what kind of thing who doesn't want A+ in his report ? so without thinking we said "YES !"

but saying is not easy as doing. what we did only argued each other. from the story which is so difficult until the property. FORTUNATELY~, we could manage it, Thanks to Allah SWT and it was success, many people loved it and the said it was awesome. as expected from me XD *slapped*

*well, it's fail ==" when i get the better one i'll upload it*

at least this drama showed LANGUAGE CLASS IS NOT FORSAKEN CLASS. well, 'til here the story. hope i have another story next time XD

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

the Meisters are back woo~hoo

maigaawd, mah suppaduppah gundam pilots are back ahaha
ajsdgashfbj, don't know how to describe this feeling

it's Gundam 00 The Movie - A wakening of Trailblazer. well, it has aired in 2010-JAPAN, obviously. so, for me-a princess who live in a far away palace-it is an awesome news when i heard there's a subbed one in internet. i really love those people who subbed this movie for me (?) XDD.i have download it, yet i haven't watched it. well, you know, i'm a busy girl right now ahaha *slapped*. i guess the story will be complicated as usual. honestly, i never know gundam 00's story talk about = 3= buuut it's fine as long as i can see my-the most-favourite gundam pilot among gundam series, JAN JAAAAN~ Setsuna F. Seiei. gawd, gawd, gawd. he's handsome and cool as usu-or i must say more handsome than usual ahahahahahaha *fangirling mode:on*
see, see, he's cooool. i can hear his sexy "ore no gundam" voice once again. bliss~ i'm in heaveeen

desperately want watch this movie. sigh, i wonder when i can watch it TTATT. being busy *slapped* is not good at all

Sunday, 2 January 2011

akemashite omedetou

gawd, it's 2011 already XDD HAPPY NEW YEAAAR XDD

well, this year will be my battlefield. i'll face national exams, OH NOOOES *died*
maybe i have to atone my sins, so god will grant my wish =="

reallyreallyreally, war is about starting. i wanna hiatus from cyber world, but i bet i CAN'T. because social net is the one and the only things that amusing me instead drawing.
but, but, i wanna study as hard as ever, because i never do that before =A="

huaahuaahuaa, wish me luck
enjoy this cute-rabbit year