Saturday, 30 October 2010

goes to 'PONCOL'

ayeyayeaye, akhirnyoo ke poncol juga

aku ke poncol sepulang dari try out bareng man-teman, yakni ezza, putri, tiara, bunga, ayu, fany, kinyok, dan chairman. awalnya sih malu-malu karena harga yang ditawarkan cukup mahal menurut bargaining girl a.k.a putri dan ezza. menurut putri harga mahal dikarenakan hari sabtu. jadi kalau kita ke sana hari sabtu-minggu-libur, mau nawar harga sampe berbusa juga gak bakal digubris karena para pedagang berpikir akan ada pembeli lain. tapiii sesaat kemudian kami mendengar,"goceng, goceng, goceng !" dengan sigap kami mencari arah datangnya suara dan mulai berburu. kami mengaduk-ngaduk pakain seharga goceng itu dengan semangat.

selanjutnya kami berjalan lebih dalam, tepatnya pojokkan deket jendela. di situ harga yang diwarkan sangat malah untuk ukuran baju bekas T 3T. menurut bargaining girl kami, harga itu sama seperti yang dijual di toko, aw shit-man ! disini lah terjadi penyesalah bagi ezza zilfa binti syafrudin. ada baju -entah jaket atau apalah itu namanya- yang ia sukai, ezza menawar dengan sengit tapi hanya berujung 30ribu saja. karena terlalu mahal, ezza dan kami beralih ke toko lain. nah, di sini, akyu lah yang mengalami penyesalah. ada kemeja flanel, warnanya bagus harganya 25ribu. kalo bukan karena hasutan bargaining girl, aku pasti udah beli bajunya = 3= tapi ya sudah lah. di sebelahnya ada pula yang berteriak, "kemeja goceng !" wedeeee dengan kekuatan dewa kami segera menyerbu tempat itu. kami memakan waktu lama untuk mengaduk kemeja-kemeja di tempat itu. tapi di sana kami mendapatkan kemeja seharga 10ribu untuk 3 potong kemeja (satunya sekitar 3ribuan). setelah puas, kami berpindah tempat lagi. disini saya mebajak toko tersebut karena ada sweater lucu, yah sebenernya biasa sih tapi bermerk XDD aaa cepet-cepet mau pamer rasanyooo XDD

sebelum pulang kita milih baju dulu buat adiknya bangkinyok sama jam buat si bunga. kita pulang naik taksi ke arah rumah bangkinyok setelah itu baru ke rumah masing-masing

yeeeay, what a pleasant saturday

Friday, 15 October 2010

100 favourites

kyaaa finally, my draw has reached 100 favourites since 8 months (it's lame) i joined DA. lalalala i'm happy
coloured version [link]

the number of watchers are increasing too. kyaa-ha, should i tell everyone about this ? euphoriaaa. oya, it would be fun if you watch my gallery too *slapped*

Thursday, 14 October 2010

wooooorst (part 2)

okay, maybe it's not good if i call this week is the worst week ever in this month. everything's began when that suck sist borrowed my bag. i already told her that i wasn't allowed her to wear my bag ! i don't know she's stupid, jerk or whatever but she still did it ! ewh silly beach DDD<. because of it, my wallet was disappearing, sheeesh. okay, i don't care about the money but there're my student card and "KTP", also my ticket to visiting University of Indonesia next month. sheep ! the other thing is, my lovely mecha pencil -rotring- was disappearing, too ! nooo just what the duck is goin' on with all of this ?! it was happening because of that suck sist ! gaaah, i hate you ! if killing people is alowed, i swear, i'll kill her many times for sure, sheep !

ya Allah, give me a patience TT^TT

oya for information (for whom ?),
my class will make an english drama for english project. wish me luck

Monday, 11 October 2010


sheeep, in conseling class i and other discussed (red: debated) stupid matter that was happening last year. this sheep thing happened because of a task that was given by my conseling teacher several times ago, the task was sosiometri. i forgot if i ever tell about this or not, the case is~ one of my classmate was bullied, but it wasn't like what japanee (in manga which i ever read) do. i admit it ever happened, and i feel sorry for her but she was at fault too and then we was apologizing each oher. i guessed that case was solved. but today, it was happening again and she was crying, WHAT THE DUCK ?! she disgusted me, REALLY. one year ago she wanted me and other befriend with her. i did it, maybe not a close friend. me still do prank things to her, i admit maybe it's kinda harsh but i did it as i am. unfortunately, it made her think that me and other still bullied her AGAIN. suck.
i think i don't want to be a close friend with her. it makes me look like criminal and she's victim. just the hell does she think she is, jerk !

Saturday, 9 October 2010


ps: i'm suck with a title =="

oke, i want to tell you my stories which were happening weeks ago but i forgot it (i'm bad with memorizing things, lately). the things i remember are when i went to education fair and Jak-JAPAN at monas. i went there with-who else ?- XII-Bahasa.

at education fair there're unversity from tokyo and many of them give a scholarship for foreigner, buuuut (why is there 'but', always) the university-which has faculty of manga-that i want doesn't give any scholarship. the scholarship just given to the student who is already studying there, what the duck ==" and the cost really is high, more or less 130 million rupiah/year. ahaha you gotta be kidding me DDX and the japanese must be in high level >>> in other word, you have to know the meaning all of kanji. aaa why i wasn't born as japanese (tsk, what an ungrateful person)


the next day, i went to Jak-Japan at monas. i didn't have any regret fufufu~ even the day was rainy and my clothes were wet, it's okay-no problem-das macht nicht XDD. i bought things that i've been dreaming about, kyaaaaaaaaaaaa. okonomiyaki, plastic umbrella, Yokohama ice cream, taiyaki, melon pan, onigiri and so on~ well i didn't try apple candy, tough.

aaaa i was happy even it's tiring, nyunyunyu~

oya, my class was visited by nihonjin last tuesday. she's the tutor of my sensei (when i was in 11th grade) when she was in japan. and my japanese sensei, now, told me (and all of students) to make a greeting card. this is mine:

aaa, neko-mimiko is always be the best